“For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ… But now indeed there are many members, yet one body.” I Corinthians 12:12 & 20


Worship With Us

Come meet our family! Sundays are for fellowship and worshiping the living God with our eternal family! We can’t wait to meet you!

Service starts at 11am on Sundays


Sunday School

Paused for the summer

Sunday School starts with “The Opening” for Children at 9:45 am in the Sanctuary.

The Holy Bible


Paused for the summer

Mike Parrish leads this Bible study.

Class begins at 9:45am in the Gathering Room.

7th - 12th Grade

Paused for the summer

Meet with Karen Wing in the High School Sunday School Room.

Class starts just following the Opening in the Sanctuary.

3rd - 6th grade

Paused for the summer

Our 3rd - 6th graders will be meeting in the 5th-6th grade room.

Class starts just following the Opening in the Sanctuary. Their class is led by Yan Lewis.

Age 2 - 2nd Grade

Paused for the summer

This class meets in the 1st - 2nd grade room.

Class starts just following the Opening in the Sanctuary. Their class is led by Jody Parry.